Water isn’t created equal.
The RIGHT water is a human right.
Knowledge is power.
Giving back spreads the power.
These 4 beliefs are pillars of success at Red Joe. They are fundamental to every move and connection we make as a business. Let’s review:
Water is not created equal.
This foundation is actually quite simple; depending on where you live and where you get your water– it may contain varying levels of calcium, sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, chromium and others.
If you are filtering your water or using distilled water – you can sometimes take out the good with the bad. Most people do not think beyond “quenching their thirst” when it comes to water. But knowing what is or what is NOT in your water is essential to wellness and well-being.
The right water is a human right.
I like to think of creating the right water with our FAV formula:
Filter + Antioxidants/minerals = Vitality
Therefore, the RIGHT water = Vitality. It makes sense to use a filter to eliminate all unhealthy contaminants, first. While we use Berkey Filters at Red Joe, we also acknowledge that there are many excellent filters on the market. But filters don’t just make sense because they eliminate contaminants. They also eliminate the need for plastic bottles. When you think about it – there really is no need to buy a bottle of water, outside of our own laziness. We often “forget” to add the water to our own containers. But just one person making the decision to eliminate a plastic bottle can change our environment.
While we would love you to use Red Joe as the antioxidants/minerals part of the formula; we believe you should make that choice. You have the power to choose what you put into your water and what that will do for your health and wellbeing. We love our formula and we know that our clients love it too. Every time someone sends a review like this one, we know we are changing lives.
“Red Joe makes drinking water enjoyable. No matter what the quality of water, how it was filtered, or what bottle it comes in Red Joe makes the water taste and feel charged with life. I am not a product person. I’m a huge sceptic. However, one day at the Sarasota market Red Joe gave me a challenge. I drank a little Red Joe in my water every day for a week. After the week I tried going back to my normal filtered water and I couldn’t do it. I know Red Joe is a quality and healthy product. I like healthy and all that but I like Red Joe just because it gives my day a little more pleasure.”
Knowledge is power.
Part of our mission is to educate. Whether, I am speaking at a corporation, or with someone I run into at the beach; I want people to be educated about the water they are drinking. I recently shared the EWG’s Tap water Database with a friend and she received these results:
And I didn’t need to say anything else to change her drinking habits. That’s truly because knowledge is power. Furthermore; all 8 of these contaminants are associated with increased risks of cancer.
Giving back spreads the power.
In 2018, we have renewed our commitment to give a percentage of our profits to non-profit organizations around the world that are dedicated to making sure everyone has the ability to drink the RIGHT water. Because we are privileged to work with people in the US who can afford to purchase filters, and buy Red Joe in large quantities; we want to not only contribute monies towards their efforts, but a voice.
Remember our FAV formula: Filter + Antioxidants/minerals = Vitality.
If you are interested in having Joe Firek speak to your organization or company about the RIGHT WATER, contact us today.